
I'm me and proud to be.

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HopeCvon's avatar

Literature Text

     When we’re little we don’t really feel that we belong. We try to change ourselves to please other people. Then when that doesn’t work we try to not show how sad it makes us feel. In my early life I struggled to be accepted because of who I am and how I look. It took me years to finally tune out the negatives that were being thrown at me and find the magic within myself and believe in me.

     I went to a preschool that was located in a Native American reservation. I had recently moved into the mountain community and hadn’t been adopted yet. Despite being part Native American, I was teased for being pale and was called, “White Cheeks” in cruel ways.

     More names and labels came in elementary school and all the way to high school. “Witch” was something I was called once and still can’t understand why. Up into high school family, a few friends I had managed to make, and teachers tried to show me I was fine just being me. It wasn’t until I got to my second year in high school that I started to listen. Mr. Hastie, who was my Civics teacher in my senior year, taught me to laugh at life ‘cause life is funny. I took the advice and I stated to have more friends then I knew I could and life seemed a little brighter.

     There were many other teachers, but the one who really help me see myself was my high school music teacher Bruce Weinberger. He taught me and many others to live by the Disney way and believe in ourselves and each other. The Sierra High Music Department is a family and our motto is, “Making the Audience Laugh and Cry, One Person at a Time”. That motto has now become my life mission.

     Looking back, I’ve been called some ridiculous things but those names don’t bother me ‘cause I know who I am and that’s who I want the world to see me as, all 100% of my unique self. Being me has left a lasting impression on me. I want everyone to know that there is something special inside us all and all we need is to believe in each other and ourselves.
This is an essay I wrote for my writing class early in the semester. I really wanted to share it with you guys. ♥
© 2012 - 2024 HopeCvon
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LeonLucasDiamond's avatar
Hola guapísima: acabo de leerlo y considero que tienes mucha razón y leo que tú al igual que yo has sufrido mucho en el instituto porque no te aceptaban o les asustaba tu forma de ser. Todo eso me parece muy mal que se siga haciendo porque al haberlo vivido, te entiendo y sé lo que se siente. Mi opinión sobre los que te decían "White Cheeks" y otros motes luego en tu colegio y en el instituto con esas intenciones es que son gente estúpida que se cree muy guay y que no tiene otra cosa que hacer que meterse con la primera persona diferente que se encuentran. y me parece una falta de respeto ver que a todos los aspies al fin y al cabo nos tratan igual :( Pero sí me alegra que hayas recibido ayuda externa por parte de profesores y tutores para lograr salir adelante en tu día a día. Yo también suelo recibir bastantes ayudas para madurar en algunos aspectos o aprender cosas nuevas sobre la vida y marcarme metas en un futuro. Me alegro que ahora ya sepas afrontar con naturalidad tu forma de ser y así poder verte menos afectada por las cosas que te digan. A veces sí es mejor pasar de la gente mala que sólo nos quiere para reírse de nosotros. Y para finalizar, decirte que te deseo lo mejor en tu vida y que seas muy feliz. Trataré de seguir en contacto contigo por aquí ya que me caes muy bien y eres un encanto. ^^